Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Off to work


This is me as of four weeks ago

I had to get a job

Life takes different twists and turns sometimes

Im working in a high end fashion boutique and loving every moment of it

It is a radical difference from blogging, handcrafting and trying to make and create things. I have tried to get these things off the ground but alot of the time I just didnt have the motivation.

I will be on my blog writing posts and tutorials but I have to get myself into the throws of getting used to working, as I have not worked this hard in many many years.

I have been knitting at night making little slippers. Knitted slippers.

I found the most awesome pattern for these delightful snuggly slippers and have made some for my little boy, my little girl and a few of her friends. I have also had a mum ask me if I would make her some. These are so easy to make while watching TV at night

Here is a link to the slippers below if you would like to give them a try


  1. Congrats! on your job. And when you can LOVE a job, it's even better!

  2. Well done on getting the job - I hope you really enjoy it, but still manage some 'me' time, as a balance. Be kind to yourself, and don't try to do too much. Hugs xx

  3. Yay for you and so love that you are loving it! Thinking of you xx

  4. Happy working days for you......the trick is not to spend your pay at your work place! My Mum makes the same slippers, cute aye!

  5. Such cute lil slippers
    And I can see you working in high end fashion
    I hope all good things are happening xxx

  6. I"m with you Lydia, I've had to go back to work too, and it certainly is hard fitting everything in....unfortunately here...the housework has taken a slide!! LOL Congrats on the new job and ease on back into trying to fit everything in.....be kind to you!
    xox sugary hugs :o)


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