Saturday, October 19, 2013

Some latest creations

I bought this hand dyed wool felt fabric a few years back and wanted to stitch something with it.
I hand stitched a pincushion and made a flower.
All hand stitched and a handy size for my needles 

Also, I have a 'future grandchildren' box for things I make.
this vest is made using some lovely hand dyed wool I purchased earlier this year.
It buttons up the side. I came across the pattern on Raverly I think... it was a freebie, in another language, the translation wasnt the best so I had to make it up in places... I totally love the colours

I am enjoying just sitting down making whatever I fancy at the moment.

I hope you are all busy creating 


  1. Tne needle holder is beautiful. the colours are gorgeous and so is the vest. I hope you get a granddaughter and not like me with only boys but I wouldn't part with any of them.

  2. Nice to see you're creations and hear of your makings xx

  3. Lovely to see your makes and yes that wool is gorgeous

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