Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Whats Cooking?

I bought this book the other day.
Little and Friday
What a gorgeous recipe book.

This is a cute little cafe in the heart of Auckland
The book as alot of very wonderful recipes.

Tonight Im baking up 
His favourite Custard Tart.

I havnt made this one before .. Ive just done the pastry.. it had icing sugar and lemon juice and zest in it... sounds yummy dont you think?

Have a great day


  1. My mouth is watering at the idea of that little custard tart.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  2. Ohhh, the 'heart of Auckland' makes me so homesick......hope that little tart tastes wonderful!

  3. Awesome book isnt it?! I immediately pulled out mine again and have been flicking - noms!

  4. Little and Friday is the best - just love going there on my trips to Auckland, actually only went a couple of weeks ago such yummy food......... Enjoy making and eating the Custard Tart

  5. Sounds like a place I should visit! The recipe book looks really darling.


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