Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Santa Sack Swap ..

I see I am getting a few visits from the Santa Sack Swap Blog.

I just want you all to know that I am currently not able to take photos of my goodies.

My swap partner Michell has received and opened her goodies and going by her blog post she is delighted with her gift

This is what Michell received from me.
I have taken her photo of her blog... hope thats ok Michell :-)

I was rather pleased to see this photo because I had forgotten some of the gifts I had sent her. The Snow Flake Decoration is my first cross-stitch I have done in years.. I really enjoyed making that.

I will put my photos up after the 26th December so please come back and check out what I received then. 

Thank you Michelle for making this a great swap.


  1. Lovely gifts sent - certainly are Lydia's ''treasures''!

  2. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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