Monday, October 18, 2010



The below photo is of some of the colour swap parcels that people have received

Unfortunatley there a some ladies that have not gone through with their swap.
I am very very dissappointed in this. If I do not hear from them soon I will be naming names.

Here is the parcel that I sent to Aldina

Tilda Heart

Pin cushion and needlecase 

 Blue patchwork fabric and some blue braid

 Tilda purse, made from Tilda fabric

 I front opening necklace made by me...

I hope it fits you Aldina... 

and a card with paper lace....

and I had a lovely afternoon yesterday with my 'other son' when he bought his gorgeous girlfriend over to visit. I have had one engagement in the family...oh wouldnt it be nice to have another..... ( dont tell him I said that LOL!!)

Take care


  1. I just don't understand why some people sign up to swaps and don't go through with them. I mean how rude is that?! Love what you sent very much, especially that Tilda bag. Sure hope you are getting a wonderful package too.

  2. Love your goodies that you made.
    HOpe there aren't too many non swappers. If you need extra gift makers please count on me for help. I have been on the 'non receiving' end of a swap and it is very disheartening.

  3. You did wonderful gifts for Aldina. Your style is so neat, lovely and delicate that's impossible not to appreciate.
    Your colour swap was amazing and it's a pity that not all have sent their parcels. They were not obliged to sign up!
    Have a good week

  4. Hi Lisa,
    How very pretty. You do work. I so understand about non swappers. That has happen to me in a swap. I just blessed the person and move on. It is so sad people need to steal like that.

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