Monday, September 6, 2010

A gift from a friend

A gift from a friend

This is what is was

 I was so touched

My friends name is Veronicah and you can visit her blog HERE
and you can see the most gorgeous bag she made her swap partner HERE it is pink and Veronicah has sewn a heap of interesting buttons onto it.

Thank you Veronicah

Hugs to you all


  1. They say you can't shower love on those around you without a few drops spilling in your own direction. Veronicah xx

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  3. I hope everything is working out for you.

    I was the lucky person to receive the beautiful bag with all the buttons on it from your fiend. I just love it.

    I have many plans for it.

    Thnak you for organising the swap.

  4. What a lovely thing for your friend to do.
    {{{HUGS}}} if you still need them!

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  7. HOW did I miss this blog? I guess I was so overwhelmed with what was happening in my own life.
    I've gone and done it again, over committed to swaps and left myself no time! grrrrr
    Anyway - MASSIVE hugs to you xxx
    Hope as the days go by the strength comes your way xxx


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