Saturday, July 25, 2015

Granny Square Blankets

Hi there 

5 months since my last post!! Where did that time go?

I started a new job in January and I have not had time really to do much else.
So much has happened in the first half of this year 

In the evenings I have been doing abit of knitting and crochet

 I love making baby blankets ... always thinking of cute ideas for a baby whether its sewing, crochet, knitting

I am gathering quite a stash of baby items in a basket for my future grandchildren

Until next time


  1. Hi Lisa!! Nice to see you. Your afghans are beautiful. I love the soft pretty colors. I like to crochet because it's mindless, and relaxing. I hope the new job is going well.

  2. Hello! LOVE the blankets, I have just learnt how to crochet, i can see why you have been crocheting after a busy days work, it is SO relaxing!

  3. These blankets are beautiful! They seem so soft and bright..
    Love your blog and became your next follower today.
    Hope you find more time for yourself after being adjusted to the new job..
    Greetings from Belgium, Sigrid


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