Wednesday, September 17, 2014

1920's Fruit Loaf Recipe

Fruit Loaf Recipe

I have inherited my mothers very old reipe folder

When I was a little girl I asked mum if I could have it when she no longer needed it.
It is a teasure trove of all type of recipes and old fashioned ideas  that have been hand written by my Great Grandmother, my Grandmother, my mother and many friends and neighbours my parents have had over the years.

I have decided to trial alot of these recipes and share them with you. The first one being from the 1920's. This Fruit Loaf recipe 


The recipe makes 2 loaves

3 Cups Water
2 oz Butter
2 Cups Sugar
1 lb Sultanas

Boil together for 10 mins then COOL

Mix together with 

4 Cups Flour
2 tspn Baking Soda
2 tspn Baking Powder

Put into two loaf tins

Cook in a slow oven for 1 hour

(I cooked this at 170 for 1 hour)


1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic, useful keepsake! Thanks for sharing, and I'm off to turn on the oven. Love, Chris x


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