Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mini Fabric Basket

As well as being a Tilda Fan I am also a fan 
of Lynette Anderson

You couldnt get two totally different styles.

I have a lot of Lynette Anderson fabrics and her books. The other day I was having a clean up of my studio and I decided to use up some of my stash. 

I made this little mini basket first.
All hand sewn, as I thought I should use some of the skills I have used from the class I took recently

I had some bee buttons in my stash (not Lynette Andersons) and decided to add them to a little mini yoyo.

These fit my little bobbins that I use for applique. These bobbins have thread on them that are used in Lynettes designs.

After Lynette came and made a comment on the mini basket above on my Facebook page I felt very inspired to make another one but using different fabric.

I used two of Lynettes fabrics as well as her embroidery fabric.. I love this fabric! it is just so lovely to stitch on. 

I used some more buttons from my stash and did up an embroidery design

I made this one using a slightly different design. I will endeavour to do a tutorial of these soon.

They are quick and easy to make... that is one of my favourite motto's.


busy mums need quick designs they can make up when busy.

These really do not take that long at all... especially when sewn on a machine.

Dont forget the Tilda Swap below


  1. Wow your fabric basket are beautiful, the fabric is really lovely but the buttons are my favourite, the wheelbarrow one is gorgeous and the bee button is the sweetest I have ever seen. I look forward to seeing your tutorial on how to make on of these lovely baskets.

  2. Beautiful wee baskets. Lynette's fabrics and buttons are a treat! Happy Sunday to you.

  3. They are super cute! My favourite parts are those buttons - toooo adorable!


  4. Très bon blog et merci d'en faire profiter.



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