Thursday, July 24, 2014

Granny Square

Im making some granny squares for a blanket.

I purchased some DMC crochet cottons to make some cocheted toys but be I found the cotton was splitting  was hard to work with.  So I decided to use them up and make a scrappy crochet blanket... I will add white around all the square then join them together.

One of my favourite things at the moment is corchet and knitting  at night while watching TV. It is so relaxing.

What are you creating at the moment?


  1. Oh Lydia, this is what I want to learn how to make!

  2. Those are so pretty! I'm knitting (at night while hubby watches TV) garter stitch 12" squares in neon colors for a blanket. I thought it would be fun when it's all white and gray out this winter.


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