Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Handspun Suri Alpaca Booties

I love to spin my own wool

I havnt done any for a while and I thought how Id love to get back into it.

I spun this Suri Alpaca... wow it is so very soft and snuggly

This is what Suri Alpaca look like.

I purchased carded Suri and spun it then knitted it into these precious little newborn booties. I highly recommend alpaca wool. 

Have you tried spinning yourself?
It is a rather frustrating craft to start with but once you know what you are doing it is very relaxing.

Happy Days to you


  1. Cute booties. I have never tried spinning, do you enjoy it?

  2. Aww, adorable! No I wouldn't know where to even start to try spinning!!! Not to say, I wouldn't try if given the opportunity,though. Some baby will be very blessed to have warm little feet covered by your heart and hands.

  3. so many things to do so little time! Lovely booties and I can just imagine how delicious that yarn is!

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