Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Some more from one of my favourites

Well I just wanted to post some pictures from my new found favourite designer. I recieved my new book from the UK a few weeks ago and I love it. Im desperate to get ahold of some of her fabrics... it seems a rather expensive thing to do from here in NZ, the postage is very expensive....around $90NZD... eeeekkk!!

So I will just drool over this photos for the mean time... I think you might do the same when you see them.

Well as alot of you will know and if you dont my new favourite designer is Tone Finnagner from Norway... she designs TILDA.

Also I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU!! to all the people that have entered my giveaway so far... and I really want to welcom all the people from Italy and other countries half way around the world. It is so nice to have so many ladies visiting that are from far away countries. I look forward very much to visiting you blogs and getting to know you all.

Please click on the sidebar button to enter my giveaway.... this is my 99th post and on the 100th post I will be adding something to my giveaway... Watch the space.

Big hugs to you all



  1. These things are aodrable, so sweet and dainty!

  2. Oh aren't they all beautiful ! $90 postage , yikes !!!

  3. Firstly lol@my spelling up there.ha! Anyway I wanted to mention about those gorgeous birdhouses below.They are just to cute.I love anything with birds.


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